Researchers, industry representatives and commercial producers from both sides of the Irish Sea congregated in Bangor University on Tuesday to officially launch the BlueFish Project, a collaboration between Wales and Ireland that will examine the effect of climate change on fish and shellfish sustainability in the Irish Sea.
Speaking at the launch, Bangor University researcher and Operations Director for the BlueFish project, Dr Shelagh Malham said:
“The combination of research between academic partners and collaboration with industry partners will ensure these vital industries receive the information and support they need to be more resilient to the changes the industry is facing, and will continue to face in coming years, and to react to opportunities.”
Those attending the launch were welcomed to Marine Centre Wales by the Vice-Chancellor, Professor John G. Hughes, who highlighted the impact of cross-border collaboration between Wales and Ireland:
“Both Wales and Ireland have coastal communities that are largely dependent on the marine sector and the BlueFish Project, underpinned by our research expertise, will have real and tangible impact on the future of these communities.”
Research ships from Bangor University (RV Prince Madog) and The Marine Insitute (RV Celtic Voyager) moored up alongside each other on St Georges pier. The oportunity to view both ships from the deck of the RV Celtic Voyager was taken, before the two ships sailed to conduct a seven day co operative research cruise.
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