Activity 2.1 Trophic Interactions
Led by –Ronan Browne (Bord Iascaigh Mhara)
Activity Questions
- What are the trophic interactions between species today within the case study area?
- How will these trophic interactions change the future How will these trophic interactions change in the future? positive/ neutral/ negative
- What are the likely threats to aquaculture within the study areas?
- Genetics of mussels, what is the local genetic structure for blue mussels and how does this relate to the wider study area?

Activity 2.2 Mapping Predators
Led by Sophie de Grissace (Swansea)
Activity Questions:
- How marine predators interact with fisheries in the Irish Sea?
- Will climate change and changes in fisheries affect the habitat and distribution of marine top predators?

Activity 2.3 Shellfish and Climate Change
Led by Nathan King (Bangor)

Activity Questions:
- Which species will be “winners and losers” of climate change?
- What is the sequestration capacity of different shellfish species in the Irish Sea;
- Are there pathways for blue carbon sequestration and shellfish cultivation in the Irish Sea?
- Are there novel strategies for mitigating summer mortality (e.g moving culture offshore)?
Activity 2.4 Ecosystem Goods and Services
Led by Paul Connolly (Marine institute)
Activity questions:
- To transfer knowledge to stakeholders, including policy and industry on the goods and services provided by the Celtic Sea-Irish Sea ecosystem to the coastal communities of Ireland and Wales and to the wider society.
- To outline and demystify these goods and services through the use of simple schematics developed by a professional artist;
- To focus on the positive benefits that people derive from these goods and services;
- To outline the impact of various climate change scenarios on these goods and services;
- To use the schematics to inform the debate on improving security, well- being and health, and adaptation to climate change.