Croeso / Welcome / Fáilte

The BlueFish Project is an Ireland Wales Territorial Co-operation Operation for the Irish and Celtic Sea, focusing on cross border collaboration, climate change and community engagement.

Led by Bangor University bringing together Aberystwyth and Swansea Universities in Wales, the Marine Institute, Bord Iascaigh Mhara and University College Cork in Ireland.
To develop knowledge and understanding of the marine resources of the Irish Sea and Celtic Seas by addressing knowledge gaps regarding the effects on and potential vulnerability of selected commercial fish and shellfish from predicted climate change.
Climate change is already affecting the world’s oceans and coasts, with European regional seas showing some of the most pronounced and rapid impacts. Oceans cover two thirds of the Earth’s surface, are an essential component of the Earth’s ecosystem, and are critical to sustainable development.
The consequences of present and predicted climate effects on fish, shellfish and aquaculture in the Irish and Celtic Seas are poorly understood
Importantly, oceans contribute to poverty alleviation and are crucial for global food security and human health. The complexity of interactions between species and global climate change will require ongoing multidisciplinary, transnational investigation and understanding.
A combined understanding of processes and effects in the Irish and Celtic Seas will be key to ensuring increased understanding and awareness of climate change effects, and aid in sustaining blue growth throughout the region. Changes on one coast can have direct and immediate effects on the other coast, underscoring how essential a cross-border approach is to addressing the issues presented by changing environments and a changing climate, on fish, shellfish and aquaculture activities within the joint maritime area of the Irish and Celtic Seas.
The Bluefish Project concluded with our Dynamic Seas Conference in June 2021.
Hosted by Mindfully Wired Communications
Watch our highlight video to hear the key messages from the event
A cross-border programme investing in the overall economic, environmental and social well-being of Ireland and Wales.