Activity 3.1 Scallop Stocks and Fisheries
Led by – Oliver Tully (Marine Institute)
Activity Questions
- What is the stock structure of scallops in the Celtic Sea and south Irish Sea?
- What is the stock status and biomass of scallops in the Celtic Sea and south Irish Sea?
- Can standardisation of the time series of catch rate data from the offshore fleet targeting scallops provide indices of scallop abundance?
- Can a port sampling programme collecting data on size and age by ICES rectangle inform an age-based assessment of Irish scallop stocks?
- Can gonand index and maturity data provide temporal and spatial information on the spawning cycles of scallop stocks?

Activity 3.2 Seabass Stocks and Fisheries
Led by Niall O’Maoileidigh (Marine Institute)

Activity Questions
- To what extent do environmental factors, such as water temperature and salinity, affect the movement and behaviours of sea bass in inshore waters?
- To what extent do sea bass which originate from inshore Irish and Welsh waters potentially aggregate at offshore spawning locations in the Celtic Sea and Irish Sea and how are these migrations influenced by environmental factors?
- Where are the likely locations of offshore sources of larvae which are believed to be a major source of recruitment for sea bass nurseries on the southern coast of Ireland?
- What is the likely impact of short, medium and long-term climate change on the behaviours and migrations of sea bass in the Celtic Sea and Irish Sea regions?
Activity 3.3 Mussel Populations and Larval Settlement
Led by Ronan Brown (Bord Iascaigh Mhara)

Activity Questions:
- What are the threats to species from climate change, invasive species and pathogens?
- Determine genetic structure of population accross the study area.
- Observe a seed bed(s) in situ and follow/observe this seed when relayed.