- Albuixech-Martí, S., Culloty, S.C. & Lynch, S.A. (eds). 2021. Co-occurrence of pathogen assemblages in a keystone species the common cockle Cerastoderma edule on the Irish coast. Cambridge University Press (CUP)
- Costello, K.E., Lynch, S.A., McAllen R, O’Riordan, R.M., & Culloty, S.C. 2021 The role of invasive tunicates as reservoirs of molluscan pathogens. Biological Invasions, . 23 pp. pp. 641-2021 v.23 no.2; 655
- Costello, K.E., Lynch, S.A., O’Riordan, R.M., McAllen, R. & Culloty, S.C. 2021. The Importance of Marine Bivalves in Invasive Host–Parasite Introductions. Frontiers in Marine Science, 8 pp. 147.
- Davies, C.E., Thomas, J.E., Malkin, S.H., Batista, F.M., Rowley, A.F. & Coates, C.J. (eds). 2021. Environment, rather than Hematodinium parasitization, determines collateral disease contraction in a crustacean host. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.
- Emery, H., Traves, W., Rowley, A.F. & Coates, C.J. 2021. The diarrhetic shellfish-poisoning toxin, okadaic acid, provokes gastropathy, dysbiosis and susceptibility to bacterial infection in a non-rodent bioassay, Galleria mellonella. Archives of toxicology, 1.
- Hawkins, S.J., Allcock, A.L., Bates, A.E., Evans, A.J., Firth, L.B., Mcquaid, C.D., Russell, B.D., Smith, I.P., Swearer, S.E., Todd, P.A., O’riordan, R.M., Culloty, S.C., Mcallen, R. & Gallagher, M.C. (eds). 2021. Oceanography and Marine Biology An Annual Review Volume 58 Chapter 1 The Biology of Austrominius Modestus (Darwin) in its Native and Invasive Range.
- Hold, N., Robins, P., Szostek, C.L., Lambert, G., Lincoln, H., Le Vay, L., Bell, E. & Kaiser, M.J. 2021. Using biophysical modelling and population genetics for conservation and management of an exploited species, Pecten maximus L. Fisheries Oceanography,
- Lynch, S.A., Breslin, R., Bookelaar, B., Rudtanatip, T., Wongprasert, K. & Culloty, S.C. (eds). 2021. Immunomodulatory and Antiviral Effects of Macroalgae Sulphated Polysaccharides: Case Studies Extend Knowledge on Their Importance in Enhancing Shellfish Health, and the Control of a Global Viral Pathogen Ostreid Herpesvirus-1 microVar. MDPI AG.
- Skujina, I., Ougham, H., Evans, E., Monti, F., Kalvāns, A., Cross, T., Macarie, N.A., Hegarty, M., Shaw, P.W. & McKeown, N.J. 2021. Ecological and Genetic Monitoring of a Recently Established Osprey (Pandion haliaetus) Population in Wales. Journal of Raptor Research,
- Albuixech-Martí, S., Lynch, S.A. & Culloty, S.C. 2020. Biotic and abiotic factors influencing haplosporidian species distribution in the cockle Cerastoderma edule in Ireland. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology,
- Atkinson, J., King, N.G., Wilmes, S.B. & Moore, P.J. 2020. Summer and Winter Marine Heatwaves Favor an Invasive Over Native Seaweeds. Journal of Phycology, 56 (6), pp. 1591-1600. VIEW
- Coates, C.J. & Söderhäll, K. 2020. The stress-immunity axis in shellfish. Journal of invertebrate pathology, pp. 107492.
- Coscia, I., Wilmes, S.B., Ironside, J.E., Goward‐Brown, A., O’Dea, E., Malham, S.K., McDevitt, A.D. & Robins, P.E. 2020. Fine‐scale seascape genomics of an exploited marine species, the common cockle Cerastoderma edule , using a multimodelling approach. Evolutionary Applications, .
- Costello, K.E., Lynch, S.A., McAllen, R., O’Riordan, R.M. & Culloty, S.C. 2020. The role of invasive tunicates as reservoirs of molluscan pathogens. Biological Invasions, .
- Davies, C.E., Bass, D., Ward, G.M., Batista, F.M., Malkin, S.H., Thomas, J.E., Bateman, K., Feist, S.W., Coates, C.J. & Rowley, A.F. 2020. Diagnosis and prevalence of two new species of haplosporidians infecting shore crabs Carcinus maenas: Haplosporidium carcini n. sp., and H. cranc n. sp. Parasitology, .
- Davies, C.E., Malkin, S.H., Thomas, J.E., Batista, F.M., Rowley, A.F. & Coates, C.J. 2020. Mycosis is a Disease State Encountered Rarely in Shore Crabs, Carcinus maenas. Pathogens, .
- Davies, P., Britton, R.J., Nunn, A.D., Dodd, J.R., Crundwell, C., Velterop, R., Ó’Maoiléidigh, N., O’Neill, R., Sheehan, E.V., Stamp, T. & Bolland, J.D. 2020. Novel insights into the marine phase and river fidelity of anadromous twaite shad Alosa fallax in the UK and Ireland. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 30 (7), pp. 1291-1298.
- Jones, L., Gorst, A., Elliott, J., Fitch, A., Illman, H., Evans, C., Thackeray, S., Spears, B., Gunn, I., Carvalho, L., May, L., Schonrogge, K., Clilverd, H., Mitchell, Z., Garbutt, A., Taylor, P., Fletcher, D., Giam, G., Aron, J., Ray, D., Berenice-Wilme, R. 2020. Climate driven threshold effects in the natural environment. Report to the Climate Change Committee. DOWNLOAD HERE
- King, N.G., Wilmes, S.B., Smyth, D., Tinker, J., Robins, P.E., Thorpe, J., Jones, L. & Malham, S.K. 2020. Climate change accelerates range expansion of the invasive non-native species, the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas. ICES Journal of Marine Science, pp. fsaa189.
- Lynch, S.A., Lepee-Rivero, S., Kelly, R., Quinn, E., Coghlan, A., Bookelaar, B., Morgan, E., Finarelli, J.A., Carlsson, J. & Culloty, S.C. 2020a. Detection of haplosporidian protistan parasites supports an increase to their known diversity, geographic range and bivalve host specificity. Parasitology, 147 (5), pp. 584-592.
- Lynch, S.A., Coghlan, A., Leary, B.O.’, Morgan, E. & Culloty, S.C. 2020b. Northward establishment of the mediterranean mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis limited by changing climate. Biological Invasions, .
- Quinn, E.A., Malkin, S.H., Rowley, A.F. & Coates, C.J. 2020. Laccase and catecholoxidase activities contribute to innate immunity in slipper limpets, Crepidula fornicata. Developmental and Comparative Immunology, .
- Ratcliffe, F.C., Uren Webster, T.M., Rodriguez-Barreto, D., O’Rorke, R., de Leaniz, C.G. & Consuegra, S. 2020. Rapid quantitative assessment of fish larvae community composition using metabarcoding. bioRxiv, pp. 2020.01.01.884544.
- Ratcliffe, F., Uren Webster, T., Garcia de Leaniz, C. & Consuegra, S. 2020. A drop in the ocean: Monitoring fish communities in spawning areas using environmental DNA. Environmental DNA, .
- Rowley, A.F., Davies, C.E., Malkin, S.H., Bryan, C.C., Thomas, J.E., Batista, F.M. & Coates, C.J. 2020. Prevalence and histopathology of the parasitic barnacle, Sacculina carcini in shore crabs, Carcinus maenas. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology, .
- Vera, M., Maroso, F., Wilmes, S., Hermida, M., Blanco, A., Fernández, C., Groves, E., Malham, S.K., Bouza, C., , Robins, P.E. & Martínez, P. 2020. Biotic and abiotic factors shaping the genome of cockle (Cerastoderma edule) in the Northeast Atlantic: a baseline for sustainable management of its wild resources. bioRxiv, pp. 2020.12.17.423063.
- Coates, C.J., Lim, J., Harman, K., Rowley, A.F., Griffiths, D.J., Emery, H. & Layton, W. 2019. The insect, Galleria mellonella, is a compatible model for evaluating the toxicology of okadaic acid. Cell Biology and Toxicology, 35 (3), .
- Davies, C.E., Batista, F.M., Malkin, S.H., Thomas, J.E., Bryan, C.C., Crocombe, P., Coates, C.J. & Rowley, A.F. 2019. Spatial and temporal disease dynamics of the parasite Hematodinium sp. In shore crabs, Carcinus maenas. Parasites and Vectors, .
- Edwards, M., Coates, C.J. & Rowley, A.F. 2019. Host range of the mikrocytid parasite Paramikrocytos canceri in decapod crustaceans. Pathogens, 8 (4), .
- McKeown, N.J., Watson, H.V., Coscia, I., Wootton, E. & Ironside, J.E. 2019. Genetic variation in Irish Sea brown crab (Cancer pagurus L.): implications for local and regional management. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 99 (4), pp. 879-886.
Albuixech-Martí, S., Lynch, S. A., Culloty, S. C. “Cockle health, disease connectivity and trophic interaction dynamics.” Scientific Reports, Accepted for publication
Perks, E., Wilmes, S.B., Winterbourne, B., King, N., Malham, S., and Robins, P. Tidal effects on temperature extremes experienced by mussels. In prep for submission to Atmosphere.
Quinn EA, Thomas JE, Malkin, SH, Poole, R, Davis, CD, Rowley, AF, Coates, CJ (2021). Invasive slipper limpets act like a sink, rather than source, of vibrio-like bacteria. In prep for Biological Invasions.
Quinn EA, Thomas JE, Eley, M, Malkin, SH, Coates, CJ, Rowley AF (2021). Is the non-native slipper limpet, Crepidula fornicata, an accidental host for trematodes? In prep for Biological Invasions.
Walton, M., Browne, R., Malham, S., Le Vay, L. (in Prep). The importance of kelp detritus as food source for mussels.
Lynch S.A., Soppit H., Meehan C., Culloty S.C. Pathogen diversity and prevalence in native an invasive invertebrate species in Cork Harbour”. In preparation.
Albuixech-Martí S., Lynch S.A., Díaz S., SkujinaI., Ironside J.E., Culloty S.C. “Geographical distribution and abundance of significant pathogens associated with Cerastoderma edule along the Irish and Welsh coasts”. In preparation
Costello K.E.,Haberlin D., LynchS.A., McAllen R.,O’Riordan R.M.,Culloty S.C.Regional Differences in Zooplankton-Associated Bacterial Communities and Aquaculture Pathogens Across Two Shelf Seas. In review in Limnology and Oceanography
Costello K.E.,Lynch S.A., McAllen R.,O’Riordan R.M.,Culloty S.C. Assessing the Potential for Invasive Species Introductions and Secondary Spread Using Vessel Movements in Maritime Ports.In review inScientific Reports
Albuixech-MartíS., Lynch S.A.,DíazS., SkujinaI., Ironside J.E.,CullotyS.C.Geographical distribution and abundance of significant pathogens associated withCerastodermaedulealong the Irish and Welsh coasts.In preparation
SkujinaI.,Hooper C.,Bass D.,Feist S.W.,Villalba A.,Carballal M.J.,Iglesias D.,Cao A., Ward G.M.,Ryder D.R.G.,Bignell J.P.,Kerr, R.,Macariea N.A.,Prentice M.,King N.,Thorpe J.,Malham S.K., McKeown N.J., Ironside J.E. Discovery of the parasite Marteilia cocosarumsp. nov. in common cockle (Cerastoderma edule) fisheries in Wales, UK and its comparison with Marteilia cochillia. Submitted to Journal of Invertebrate Pathology.
Davis, CD, Thomas, JE, Malkin, SH, Batista, FM, Rowley, AF, Coates CJ (2021) Environment, rather than Hematodinium parasitization, determines collateral disease contraction in a crustacean host. eLife–under review (published as a preprint onbioRxiv:https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.05.26.445743v1)
King NG, Thorpe J, Browne R and Malham S. (in prep) Seasonal dynamics of the Pacific Oyster Microbiome.
King NG, McKeown NJ, Thorpe J, Malham S. (in prep) Shallow Sea Front shifts community structure and diversity of seawater microbiome.
King NG, McKeown NJ, Thorpe J, Malham S. (in prep). Spatial and seasonal dynamics of seawater and sediment microbiomes in the Irish Sea.
DEMYSTIFY A collection of Artworks produced for the BlueFish Project. A compendium of the BlueFish artworks been produced to showcase the full BlueFish portfolio. ISBN: 978-1-902895-68- 0 In final edit