Climate change is already affecting the world’s oceans and coasts, with European regional seas showing some of the most pronounced and rapid impacts. Oceans cover two thirds of the Earth’s surface, are an essential component of the Earth’s ecosystem, and are critical to sustainable development. Under predicted future scenarios, the functionality of shallow marine ecosystems is likely to change, with impacts on species of food or commercial relevance to coastal communities.
Lee Waters, Deputy Minister for Climate Change closed the BlueFish Conference
The Deputy Minister said “I look forward to speaking at the BlueFish project closure conference and finding out more about their key findings on the impact of climate change for the industry.
“Our continued relationship with Ireland is even more important now the UK has left the EU and projects like BlueFish, that bring together scientific expertise from both nations to increase capacity and research into the effects of climate change, form a vital part of our ambitions within the Ireland Wales Shared Statement and Joint Action Plan.”
Using art to tanslate complex research and themes was key throughout the BlueFish project and an important element when deciding the format of our final conference. Graphic Illustration was provided by Laura Sorvala , Illustrating each presentation into an egaging visual, easily understandable for all.
Understanding our Ecosystems and Resources
Deall ein Hecosystemau a’n Hadnoddau
Climate and Modelling our Ecosystems
Hinsawdd a Modelu Ein Hecosystem
Climate Ecosystem Goods & Services & Blue Growth
Nwydd a Gwasanarthau Ecosystem yr Hinsawdd a Thwf Glas
Tackling Climate Change
Mynd I'r Afael a Newid Hinsawdd
ILLUSTRATIONS BY LAURA SORVALA . Illustrations copyrighted and not to be reproduced without permission.