National conference highlighting the diversity of research going on within Wales, all contributing to the deveoplpment of a marine research agenda for Wales.
Continue ReadingNational conference highlighting the diversity of research going on within Wales, all contributing to the deveoplpment of a marine research agenda for Wales.
Continue ReadingUCC and Swansea BlueFish Partners present their climate change research at EAFP2019 Continue Reading
Frances Ratcliffe presented her research at the recent Fisheries Society of the British Isles Symposium, in Hull Continue Reading
BlueFish team attend ARCH-UK in Stirling Continue Reading
Our UCC, MI and BIM Partners telling the story of BlueFish at SEAFEST 2029 Continue Reading
The joint workshop which highlighted the work of the BlueFish project was a sucess at Fishmongers’ Hall in london Continue Reading
Oyster cultivation in a changing climate – 15th May 2019, Fishmongers’ Hall, London Continue Reading
Dr Sophie Wilmes presented her BlueFish work to a packed room in the Shelf Sea session at #EGU19 – How influential is the Celtic Sea Front for genetic variability in marine species with a pelagic larval phase Continue Reading